ImageViewer can implement QuickTime™ video effects like Filters, Generators, and Transitions on your images. Use Generator effects to create a new effect (like fire) to replace the current image. Use Filter effects to modify an image (like emboss). Finally, you can use Transition effects to control the effect that occurs between the display of two images (browsing and auto-browsing).
To use QuickTime video effects, you must enable ImageViewer to use them.
To Enable QuickTime Effects:
- Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
- Select File from the Preferences popup menu.
- Enable "Use QuickTime™ Effects".
- Click OK.
NOTE: QuickTime 4.0 may request you download additional files to enable you to use its video effects.
Almost every QuickTime effect has a set of optional parameters than can be adjusted to modify the effect. Use the Set Effect option to specify an effect and its parameters.To Set a QuickTime Effect:
- Select QuickTime Effect > Set > Generator from the Modify menu.
- Select QuickTime Effect > Set > Filter from the Modify menu.
- Select QuickTime Effect > Set > Transistion from the Modify menu.
- Choose an effect from the Effect list.
- Set the desired parameters for the chosen effect.
- Click OK.
To run a QuickTime effect, select the generator, filter, or transistion, then use the Run effect option.
To Run a QuickTime Effect:
- Set a QuickTime Effect.
- Select QuickTime Effect > Run > <effect> from the Modify menu.
NOTE: <effect> is the name of the generator, filter, or transition effect.
You can specify the number of transition steps that occur in a QuickTime effect using the Set Steps option.
To Specify the Number of Effect Steps:
- Select Modify > QuickTime Effects > Set Steps.
- Enter a figure into the Set Steps To field.
- Click OK.
If you want to randomize which QuickTime effect is used on the image, enable the Randomize Transitions options.To Enable Random Transitions:
- Select Modify > QuickTime Effects > Random Transition.